Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm changing the title of my blog.

I mean, every once and a while I'll have a story from school, but I don't really enjoy talking about it. It mostly has to do with angry stuff, which I need to avoid now.

(Stress meltdown is the equivalent of a mental heart attack. All my plans for health have changed.)

So, I will, instead, focus on what makes me happy/ is my goal for my new "20th year". Basically, I want to achieve a lot before I turn 21.
I want to go green and organic.

It's a process.

I'm having troubles deciding between two names though.

The Pretty Hippie


Clean Green Hippie Machine

Or I could go with one of my stepkids suggestions. I'm sure it'd have something to do with "Hippie Hippo".
... Because the words sound alike, not because I'm big. Jeeze.

So, yeah. I'm thinking.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Organically Frustrated

Two things:
1) I got so upset when Chris and Nick opened their Easter baskets from Grandma Karen. PLASTIC eggs?! FULL OF CANDY? Another freakin' Batman toy!? When am I EVER going to use a plush basket in the shape of a car that makes noise!?
Come on Grandma! We need books, not sugar! Your son is flippin' diabetic, and you're now making your grandchildren diabetic!!

2) We watch Deadliest Warrior at our house. It's applied History around these parts.
But apparently, girls can watch, and enjoy these shows, but heaven knows we females can't have opinions, or even facts to bring to the table when we debate about it.

I don't think I can stand being silent any longer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ettiquette Schmettiquette!

I'm super pissed off about something that I should be super elated for.

Part of me wishes the person involved dies. A horrible, gruesome death.

And this is family.


I'm officially sick of being sick. Today's my 5 day off from school because I just can't hack it.

I cried today.
At school. I hate it.
Every moment I think I'm doing better, I fall in a hole and it gets worse. I just want to curl up, sleep and cry for an hour, and wake up with everything all better.
It's creepier because, I know HOW I'm sick. This is all familiar. But it's in new strange ways that confuse the hell out of me, and nearly blind-sights me.

I just want continuity and progression. I want to move forward. I want to feel as if I'm accomplishing something.
But no. That has to wait for years.
I'm in a foreign country without a passport and the embassy isn't so worried quite yet. There are more important things for them to do. What am I supposed to do until then?

Curl up, sleep and cry, and hope that when I wake up, everything's all better.

Monday, April 6, 2009

10 Things I Love Today.

1. How I managed to push 3 wrong buttons before "New Post". Even though it's a huge and noticable button.

2. When I walk through book stores, and become compelled to write only a million short stories.

3. When shabby, housewifey women walk in to said bookstore, and head for the romance sections; i.e. everyone has their vice.

4. When Chris sings along with the Disco Sirius station.

5. When I laugh so hard, my voice goes squeaky and it gets hard to breath/control my saliva (sounds gross, but it means somethings really funny).

6. When I pattern hunt, see something that I love, and realize I already have that pattern.

7. Marilyn's squealy voice in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Sooo enjoyable.

8. When Chris and I accidentally develop an inside joke.

9. Chris told someone else that I'm his best friend.

10. That I get to think up more of these fun lists everyday because I have my man. <3

(*Edit. 11. 14 days until my birthday! Two weeks!)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Well, twist my arm, baby boy.

I stayed home sick today.
I woke up about 11:30. The boys always wake up at like... the dawn of time. Every morning they're here.
So Chris woke up with them.

When I finally got out of bed, I went to say hello to all the men in my living room. The 2 oldest were naturally playing video games, Dad and his Call of Duty 4, Christopher and his Banjo Kazooie. Nickolas was riding around on a monster truck like it was a horse.
"Chelsea!" Nick squealed.
"Yes, Sir Nickolas?" I was oh so groggy.
"Eat breakfast, then give Daddy a big hug and kiss!"

.... Well, if I must, I must. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Nature and/or Nurture

Today the boys and Big Chris came over to my parents for pizza night. (My favorite tradition!) On the way over, Nicky, the three year old, said something along the lines of "Mommy being dead" and "spending more time with Daddy". Big Chris was sure to say that he should love his mom, and shouldn't say mean things about her.

But on my inside, I was doing a little triumph dance. We don't need to persuade the boys to want to be with us, they'll make that decision on their own. They love their dad, and they're most like him (except when they think they can lie to get out of things). They'll just automatically be drawn to us because its in their nature.

BTW, a roommate barged into the living room while the kids were TRYING to fall asleep. His excuse? "I thought they were awake." I asked him what time it was. "Ten thir-- oh." He tip-toed outta here.
That's right people. Past my bedtime, too!

17, almost 16 days until my birthday!!